
A grammar highlighter for Microsoft Word to make your writing clear and persuasive.

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Concision Editor

What is it?

Concision Editor is a bit like Editsaurus or Hemingway Editor, but for MS Word.

  • Filler words that can take away from your argument are highlighted yellow.
  • Pronouns are highlighted gray. Make sure they point to a concrete noun.
  • Adverbs are highlighted bright green. These can also take away from your paper’s impact.
  • Complex words with simpler alternatives (like Concision) are highlighted turquoise.

Word does a good job of picking up certain categories of grammar problems. For the rest, try Concision.

Download from Github

Main advantages of using a Word VBA script over an online grammar checker:

  • You can check large documents (200 pages or more) without copy/pasting into a browser
  • If the document is sensitive, there is no risk of sending information to a server somewhere on the Internet. Everything stays with you.

But macros and scripts can be dangerous!

True. Go to Concision Editor.vbs to read the script, so you’ll know that there’s nothing amiss. You can manually add it to your own Word document instead of using the .docm file if you prefer. I understand your concerns.

Steps to use:

Method 1:

  • Alt-F11, copy the script
  • Open a copy of your paper, Alt-F11
  • Choose Insert –> module
  • Paste the script into the module screen
  • F5 while your cursor has selected the script screen, grab a coffee
  • ‘Save as’ something if you like.

Method 2:

  • Paste your content into the docm.
  • Alt-F11, find the script (should come right up)
  • F5 while your cursor has selected the script screen, grab a coffee
  • ‘Save as’ something if you like.

Is this useful to you? Would you like to make it better? Let me know by writing something in Issues.